The Beginning
The initial idea of the Hd Hr Nationals was devised by Sean Hutchinson. An expression of interest was sent to numerous Holden clubs around Australia.
To this, he had little to no feedback from clubs contacted.
he also had little support at the time ( late 2000 -mid 2001 ) from his club, Qld Hd Hr Holden club.
However Sean spent some 2 hours on the phone to Gary Thorpe, one night regarding how our planning was going.
After some months, with getting nowhere, Gary asked if the then Hd Hr National Register ( Msn group ) could pick it up & run the first one, to which Sean agreed.
A central location was chosen, so most people had to travel. The location chosen was Wagga Wagga in Nsw. The year was 2002. The Queens birthday long weekend was decided as the date as the eastern states + Sth Aust had this as a common holiday .
The initial show boasted 48 cars ( ? )
The rest is history, with 2018 being the 17th event.
Sean never imagined how big & well attended this event would become.
We have all made many friends along the way, many who come each year.
To Date Queensland, N.S.W, Victoria, Canberra and 2013 saw Mt Gambier added to list.
The 1st consisted 48 vehicles
congratulations to all the entrants and people that organised these events.
We will add more information and images as they come to hand.
Now Facebook nationals page is handed over to the state holding the event come and join us